About the projects:
The e-ManTRA project is coordinated by the AFT and aims to equip training courses for transport managers across Europe with effective and inclusive digital tools and teaching methods to deliver distance training and online learning.
The IDiVET project, led by ANFA, has similar objectives in preparing for the adoption of innovative pedagogical approaches and the use of digital technologies in vocational education and training in the automotive services sector.
Due to the proximity of the two projects, AFT and ANFA decided to collaborate to broaden the horizon of sectoral work and to learn from each other's experiences. In this context, a first workshop took place on the 5th of April 2022 in the presence of partners from both consortia, bringing together 16 people from seven European countries.
This workshop allowed to present the first results to the other team and to work on the two most convergent deliverables, namely the e-ManTRA Inventory of innovative pedagogical methods and tools and the IDiVET Recommendations for a quality digital learning in VET.
After a brief presentation of these two documents, the exchanges were then organised in small groups, taking advantage of the fact that the two projects, although pursuing the same objectives, do not have the same methodological approach. Indeed, the e-ManTRA inventory was developed based on the results of a desk search and a survey with teachers and trainers in the six partner countries of the project, whereas IDiVET first identified recurrent issues in training, and now addresses them with the help of the recommendations made in the project.
However, these different approaches are complementary, and it is precisely on these possibilities of exchange and capitalisation that yesterday's workshop focused:
- On the one hand, we were able to select methods from the e-ManTRA inventory that could respond to the problems identified by IDiVET.
- On the other hand, it turned out that latter will be useful to the e-ManTRA partners to feed the reflection on the recommendations document that will have to be provided at the end of the project.
- The two teams were furthermore able to enrich the two deliverables presented: the e-ManTRA partners proposed additional issues to work on while the IDiVET team suggested complementary methods for the e-ManTRA inventory.
A second workshop between the two consortia will be organised at the end of 2022/beginning of 2023 to work together on the recommendations. It is planned to elaborate a common document that will support the work and visibility of the results of both e-ManTRA and IDiVET projects.