Transport & Logistics (T&L) trainings were indeed strongly impacted by the sudden transition to 100% distance learning. In France, a Carif-Oref survey on training during the first lockdown showed that 75% of T&L training has been suspended, one of the highest rates.
The e-ManTRA project concentrates on trainings for transport managers at level 5 of the European qualifications framework (EQF) as this person plays a central role in T&L companies and manages the organisation of transport, drivers and customer relations.
About the Digital Card Game
Aim: To rehearsing knowledge about the European Social Regulation in an interesting way and putting it in a concrete context. In addition to increasing knowledge, the purpose is to create a dialogue between participants about the rules and their application and how they influence the industry.
The game: The e-ManTRA game is a modern version of the American automotive card game “Touring”, designed in 1906. Or actually the French version “Mille Bornes” from 1954. The game is using the coup-fourré rules (where players can dodge sneaky manoeuvres from their opponents with “counter thrust” cards).
Unlike the original game, where only these randomly drawn dodge cards allow the game to continue, learners will be able to free themselves by correctly answering questions related to their future job as a transport manager. Other rules have also changed to adapt it to the transport world. In this digital version of the game, learners need to plan their driving times so that they arrive at their destination faster than all the other trucks. They need quite a lot of transports knowledge to get out of tricky situations, and need to know the driving- and resting time regulations like the back of their hand to stay away from trouble and optimise their transport, but as in most games, some luck is needed, too!
Number of players: Six players can play together using smartphones or other devices.
Only one person can reach the top of the leader board, but everyone will be winners with this training application.
Time: Average of 30-60 minutes of playtime
- Continue to follow our work in the e-ManTRA project page.